
Alberto Osa Garcia, B.Sc.

Ph.D. candidate

Université de Montréal

Co-supervision: Karine Marcotte, Ph. D.

PhD candidate in Biomedical Sciences, option Speech Therapy

I hold an undergraduate degree in Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid and a Master’s degree from the BCBL (Basque Center for Brain, Cognition and Language) research center in Donostia-San Sebastián (Spain).

I have a PhD scholarship from the Fonds de recherche Québec-Santé. My interests include neuroanatomical correlates of post-stroke aphasia and its recovery, biomedical variables related to communication disorders and multimodal rehabilitation of these disorders. My PhD project aims to document the different phases of recovery by looking at different biomedical variables, such as white matter bundle diffusion measures. I am also collaborating in other projects documenting the effects of art therapy (e.g., performing arts) in the reintegration of people with chronic aphasia.